Source code for PyOpenWorm.neuron

from __future__ import print_function

from wrapt import ObjectProxy
from .pProperty import Property
from .dataObject import DatatypeProperty, Alias
from .cell import Cell
from .connection import Connection

class NeuronProxy(ObjectProxy):

    def __init__(self, neighbor, connection, *args):
        super(NeuronProxy, self).__init__(*args)
        self._self_neighbor = neighbor
        self._self_connection = connection

    def neighbor(self):
        return self._self_neighbor

    def connection(self):
        return self._self_connection

[docs]class Neuron(Cell): """ A neuron. See what neurons express some neuropeptide Example:: # Grabs the representation of the neuronal network >>> net = P.Worm().get_neuron_network() # Grab a specific neuron >>> aval = net.aneuron('AVAL') >>> aval.type() set([u'interneuron']) #show how many connections go out of AVAL >>> aval.connection.count('pre') 77 >>> u'AVAL' #list all known receptors >>> sorted(aval.receptors()) [u'GGR-3', u'GLR-1', u'GLR-2', u'GLR-4', u'GLR-5', u'NMR-1', u'NMR-2', u'UNC-8'] #show how many chemical synapses go in and out of AVAL >>> aval.Syn_degree() 90 Parameters ---------- name : string The name of the neuron. Attributes ---------- neighbor : Property Get neurons connected to this neuron if called with no arguments, or with arguments, state that neuronName is a neighbor of this Neuron connection : Property Get a set of Connection objects describing chemical synapses or gap junctions between this neuron and others """ class_context = Cell.class_context type = DatatypeProperty(multiple=True) ''' The neuron type (i.e., sensory, interneuron, motor) ''' receptor = DatatypeProperty(multiple=True) ''' The receptor types associated with this neuron ''' innexin = DatatypeProperty(multiple=True) ''' Innexin types associated with this neuron ''' neurotransmitter = DatatypeProperty(multiple=True) ''' Neurotransmitters associated with this neuron ''' neuropeptide = DatatypeProperty(multiple=True) ''' Name of the gene corresponding to the neuropeptide produced by this neuron ''' receptors = Alias(receptor) ''' Alias to py:attr:`receptor` ''' def __init__(self, name=False, **kwargs): super(Neuron, self).__init__(name=name, **kwargs) # Get neurons connected to this neuron Neighbor(owner=self) # Get connections from this neuron ConnectionProperty(owner=self) self.get_neighbors = self.neighbor def contextualize(self, context): res = super(Neuron, self).contextualize(context) if hasattr(self, 'neighbor'): res = NeuronProxy(self.neighbor.contextualize(context), self.connection.contextualize(context), res) return res
[docs] def GJ_degree(self): """Get the degree of this neuron for gap junction edges only :returns: total number of incoming and outgoing gap junctions :rtype: int """ count = 0 for c in self.connection(): if == 'gapJunction': count += 1 return count
[docs] def Syn_degree(self): """Get the degree of this neuron for chemical synapse edges only :returns: total number of incoming and outgoing chemical synapses :rtype: int """ count = 0 for c in self.connection.get('either'): if == 'send': count += 1 return count
[docs] def get_incidents(self, type=0): """ Get neurons which synapse at this neuron """ # Directed graph. Getting accessible _from_ this node for item in self['nx'].in_edges_iter(, data=True): if 'GapJunction' in item[2]['synapse']: yield item[0]
def _as_neuroml(self): """Return this neuron as a NeuroML representation :rtype: libNeuroML.Neuron """
[docs]class Neighbor(Property): multiple = True def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Neighbor, self).__init__('neighbor', **kwargs) self._conns = [] self._conntype = Connection.contextualize(self.owner.context) self.context = self.owner.context def contextualize(self, context): res = type(self)(owner=self.owner) res._conns = self._conns res._conntype = Connection.contextualize(context) res.context = context return res
[docs] def get(self, **kwargs): """Get a list of neighboring neurons. Parameters ---------- See parameters for PyOpenWorm.connection.Connection Returns ------- list of Neuron """ if len(self._conns) > 0: for c in self._conns: if c.context == self.context: for post in c.post_cell.get(): yield post else: conn = self._conntype.contextualize(self.context)(pre_cell=self.owner, **kwargs) for r in conn.post_cell.get(): yield r
def count(self, **kwargs): conntype = self._conntype.contextualize(self.context) return conntype(pre_cell=self.owner, **kwargs).count() @property def defined_values(self): return [] @property def values(self): return []
[docs] def set(self, other, **kwargs): c = self._conntype(pre_cell=self.owner, post_cell=other, **kwargs) self._conns.append(c) return c
def triples(self, **kwargs): for c in self._conns: for x in c.triples(**kwargs): yield x
[docs]class ConnectionProperty(Property): """A representation of the connection between neurons. Either a gap junction or a chemical synapse TODO: Add neurotransmitter type. TODO: Add connection strength """ multiple = True def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ConnectionProperty, self).__init__('connection', **kwargs) self._conns = [] self._conntype = Connection.contextualize(self.owner.context)
[docs] def get(self, pre_post_or_either='pre', **kwargs): """Get a list of connections associated with the owning neuron. Parameters ---------- pre_post_or_either: str What kind of connection to look for. 'pre': Owner is the source of the connection 'post': Owner is the destination of the connection 'either': Owner is either the source or destination of the connection Returns ------- list of Connection """ c = [] ct = self._conntype.contextualize(self.context) if pre_post_or_either == 'pre': c.append(ct(pre_cell=self.owner, **kwargs)) elif pre_post_or_either == 'post': c.append(ct(post_cell=self.owner, **kwargs)) elif pre_post_or_either == 'either': c.append(ct(pre_cell=self.owner, **kwargs)) c.append(ct(post_cell=self.owner, **kwargs)) for x in c: for r in x.load(): yield r for x in self._conns: if x.defined and x.context == self.context: yield x
def contextualize(self, context): res = type(self)(owner=self.owner) res._conns = self._conns res.context = context return res @property def values(self): return [] def count(self, pre_post_or_either='pre', *args, **kwargs): res = 0 conntype = self._conntype.contextualize(self.context) if pre_post_or_either == 'pre': res += conntype(pre_cell=self.owner, **kwargs).count() elif pre_post_or_either == 'post': res += conntype(post_cell=self.owner, **kwargs).count() elif pre_post_or_either == 'either': res += conntype(pre_cell=self.owner, **kwargs).count() + \ conntype(post_cell=self.owner, **kwargs).count() return res
[docs] def set(self, conn, **kwargs): """Add a connection associated with the owner Neuron Parameters ---------- conn : PyOpenWorm.connection.Connection connection associated with the owner neuron Returns ------- A PyOpenWorm.neuron.Connection """ assert(isinstance(conn, self._conntype)) self._conns.append(conn)
def triples(self, **kwargs): for c in self._conns: for x in c.triples(**kwargs): yield x
__yarom_mapped_classes__ = (Neuron,)