Source code for PyOpenWorm.datasource

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import six
from rdflib.term import URIRef
from rdflib.namespace import Namespace
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from yarom.mapper import FCN
from .context import Context
from .dataObject import DataObject, ObjectProperty, This
import logging

L = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Informational(object):
    def __init__(self, name=None, display_name=None, description=None,
                 value=None, default_value=None, identifier=None,
                 property_type='DatatypeProperty', multiple=True,
                 property_name=None, also=(), **property_args): = name
        self._property_name = property_name
        self._display_name = display_name
        self.default_value = default_value
        self.description = description
        self._value = value
        self.identifier = identifier
        self.property_type = property_type
        self.multiple = multiple
        if also and not isinstance(also, (list, tuple)):
            also = (also,)
        self.also = also
        self.property_args = property_args

        self.default_override = None
        An override for the default value, typically set by setting the value
        in a DataSource class dictionary

        self.cls = None

    def display_name(self):
        return self._display_name if self._display_name is not None else

    def display_name(self, val):
        self._display_name = val

    def property_name(self):
        return if self._property_name is None else self._property_name

    def property_name(self, v):
        self._property_name = v

    def copy(self):
        res = type(self)()
        for x in vars(self):
            setattr(res, x, getattr(self, x))
        return res

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("Informational(name='{}',"
                " display_name={},"
                " default_value={},"
                " description={},"
                " identifier={})").format(,

[docs]class DuplicateAlsoException(Exception): pass
[docs]class DataSourceType(type(DataObject)): """A type for DataSources Sets up the graph with things needed for MappedClasses """ def __init__(self, name, bases, dct): self.__info_fields = [] others = [] newdct = dict() for z in dct: meta = dct[z] if isinstance(meta, Informational): meta.cls = self = z self.__info_fields.append(meta) else: others.append((z, dct[z])) for x in bases: if isinstance(x, DataSourceType): self.__info_fields += [inf.copy() for inf in x.__info_fields] for k, v in others: for i in range(len(self.__info_fields)): if self.__info_fields[i].name == k: self.__info_fields[i] = self.__info_fields[i].copy() self.__info_fields[i].default_override = v break else: # no 'break' newdct[k] = v if not getattr(self, '__doc__', None): self.__doc__ = self._docstr() super(DataSourceType, self).__init__(name, bases, newdct) def _docstr(self): s = '' for inf in self.__info_fields: s += '{} : :class:`{}`'.format(inf.display_name, inf.property_type) + \ ('\n Attribute: `{}`'.format( if inf.property_name is None else inf.property_name)) + \ (('\n\n ' + inf.description) if inf.description else '') + \ ('\n\n Default value: {}'.format(inf.default_value) if inf.default_value is not None else '') + \ '\n\n' return s @property def info_fields(self): return self.__info_fields
[docs]class DataSource(six.with_metaclass(DataSourceType, DataObject)): ''' A source for data that can get translated into PyOpenWorm objects. The value for any field can be passed to __init__ by name. Additionally, if the sub-class definition of a DataSource assigns a value for that field like:: class A(DataSource): some_field = 3 that value will be used over the default value for the field, but not over any value provided to __init__. ''' source = Informational(display_name='Input source', description='The data source that was translated into this one', identifier=URIRef(''), property_type='ObjectProperty', value_type=This) translation = Informational(display_name='Translation', description='Information about the translation process that created this object', identifier=URIRef(''), property_type='ObjectProperty') description = Informational(display_name='Description', description='Free-text describing the data source') rdf_namespace = Namespace("") def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.info_fields = OrderedDict((, i) for i in self.__class__.info_fields) parent_kwargs = dict() new_kwargs = dict() for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in self.info_fields: parent_kwargs[k] = v else: new_kwargs[k] = v super(DataSource, self).__init__(**parent_kwargs) vals = defaultdict(dict) for n, inf in self.info_fields.items(): v = new_kwargs.get(n, None) if v is not None: vals[n]['i'] = v else: v = inf.default_value if inf.default_override is not None: vals[n]['e'] = inf.default_override vals[n]['d'] = inf.default_value for also in inf.also: if v is not None and vals[].setdefault('a', v) != v: raise DuplicateAlsoException('Only one also is allowed') for n, vl in vals.items(): inf = self.info_fields[n] v = vl.get('i', vl.get('e', vl.get('a', vl['d']))) # Make the POW property # # We set the name for the property to the since that's how we access the info on this object, but # the inf.property_name is used for the linkName so that the property's URI is generated based on that name. # This allows to set an attribute named inf.property_name on self while still having access to the property # through getattr(inf.cls, inf.property_type)(owner=self, linkName=inf.property_name, multiple=inf.multiple,, **inf.property_args) ctxd_prop = getattr(self, if v is not None: ctxd_prop(v)
[docs] def commit(self): ''' Commit the data source *locally* This includes staging files such as they would be available for a translation. In general, a sub-class should implement :meth:`commit_augment` rather than this method, or at least call this method via super For example, if the data source produces a file, that file should be in ''' self.commit_augment()
def commit_augment(): pass
[docs] def defined_augment(self): return self.translation.has_defined_value()
[docs] def identifier_augment(self): return self.make_identifier(self.translation.defined_values[0].identifier.n3())
def __str__(self): return self.format_str(False) def format_str(self, stored): try: sio = six.StringIO() print(self.__class__.__name__, file=sio) for info in self.info_fields.values(): attr = getattr(self, if stored: attr_vals = list() for x in attr.get(): if x not in attr_vals: attr_vals.append(x) else: attr_vals = attr.defined_values if attr_vals: print(' ' + info.display_name, end=': ', file=sio) for val in sorted(attr_vals): val_line_sep = '\n ' + ' ' * len(info.display_name) if isinstance(val, DataSource): valstr = val.format_str(stored) elif isinstance(val, GenericTranslation): valstr = val.format_str(stored) elif isinstance(val, URIRef): valstr = val.n3() elif isinstance(val, six.string_types): valstr = repr(val) else: valstr = str(val) print(val_line_sep.join(valstr.split('\n')), end=' ', file=sio) print(file=sio) return sio.getvalue() except AttributeError: res = super(DataSource, self).__str__() L.error('Failed while creating formatting string representation for %s', res) return res
[docs]class Translation(DataObject): """ Representation of the method by which a DataSource was translated and the sources of that translation. Unlike the 'source' field attached to DataSources, the Translation may distinguish different kinds of input source to a translation. """ translator = ObjectProperty()
[docs] def defined_augment(self): return self.translator.has_defined_value() and self.translator.onedef().defined
[docs] def identifier_augment(self): return self.make_identifier(self.translator.onedef().identifier.n3())
[docs]class GenericTranslation(Translation): """ A generic translation that just has sources in order """ source = ObjectProperty(multiple=True, value_rdf_type=DataSource.rdf_type)
[docs] def defined_augment(self): return super(GenericTranslation, self).defined_augment() and \ self.source.has_defined_value()
[docs] def identifier_augment(self): data = super(GenericTranslation, self).identifier_augment().n3() + \ "".join(sorted(x.identifier.n3() for x in self.source.defined_values)) return self.make_identifier(data)
def __str__(self): return self.format_str(False) def format_str(self, stored): sio = six.StringIO() print('{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.idl), file=sio) sources_field_name = 'Sources: ' print(sources_field_name, end='', file=sio) attr = self.source if stored: attr_vals = list() for x in attr.get(): if x not in attr_vals: attr_vals.append(x) else: attr_vals = attr.defined_values if attr_vals: val_line_sep = '\n' + len(sources_field_name) * ' ' print(val_line_sep.join(val_line_sep.join(val.format_str(stored).split('\n')) for val in sorted(attr_vals)), file=sio) if stored: translator = else: translator = self.translator.onedef() if translator is not None: field = "Translator: " s = ('\n' + len(field) * ' ').join(str(translator).split('\n')) print(field + s, file=sio) return sio.getvalue()
[docs]class DataObjectContextDataSource(DataSource): def __init__(self, context, **kwargs): super(DataObjectContextDataSource, self).__init__(**kwargs) if context is not None: self.context = context else: self.context = Context()
def format_types(typ): if isinstance(typ, OneOrMore): return ':class:`{}` (:class:`{}`)'.format(FCN(OneOrMore), FCN(typ.source_type)) elif isinstance(typ, type): return ':class:`{}`'.format(FCN(typ)) else: return ', '.join(':class:`{}`'.format(FCN(x)) for x in typ)
[docs]class DataTransatorType(type(DataObject)): def __init__(self, name, bases, dct): super(DataTransatorType, self).__init__(name, bases, dct) if not getattr(self, '__doc__', None): self.__doc__ = '''Input type(s): {}\n Output type(s): {}\n URI: {}'''.format(format_types(self.input_type), format_types(self.output_type), self.translator_identifier)
[docs]class BaseDataTranslator(six.with_metaclass(DataTransatorType, DataObject)): """ Translates from a data source to PyOpenWorm objects """ input_type = DataSource output_type = DataSource translator_identifier = None translation_type = Translation def __init__(self, **kwargs): if self.translator_identifier is not None and 'ident' not in kwargs: super(BaseDataTranslator, self).__init__(ident=self.translator_identifier, **kwargs) else: super(BaseDataTranslator, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.output_key = kwargs.pop('output_key', None) self.output_identifier = kwargs.pop('output_identifier', None) try: return self.translate(*args, **kwargs) finally: self.output_key = None self.output_identifier = None def __str__(self): s = '''Input type(s): {} Output type(s): {}'''.format(self.input_type, self.output_type) return FCN(type(self)) + ': \n ' + ('\n '.join(x.strip() for x in s.split('\n')))
[docs] def translate(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Notionally, this method takes a data source, which is translated into some other data source. There doesn't necessarily need to be an input data source. ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def make_translation(self, sources=()): ''' It's intended that implementations of DataTranslator will override this method to make custom Translations according with how different arguments to Translate are (or are not) distinguished. The actual properties of a Translation subclass must be defined within the 'translate' method ''' return self.translation_type.contextualize(self.context)(translator=self)
def make_new_output(self, sources, *args, **kwargs): trans = self.make_translation(sources) res = self.output_type.contextualize(self.context)(*args, translation=trans, ident=self.output_identifier, key=self.output_key, **kwargs) for s in sources: res.contextualize(self.context).source(s) return res
[docs]class OneOrMore(object): """ Wrapper for :class:`DataTranslator` input :class:`DataSource` types indicating that one or more of the wrapped type must be provided to the translator """ def __init__(self, source_type): self.source_type = source_type def __repr__(self): return FCN(type(self)) + '(' + repr(self.source_type) + ')'
[docs]class DataTranslator(BaseDataTranslator): """ A specialization with the :class:`GenericTranslation` translation type that adds sources for the translation automatically when a new output is made """ translation_type = GenericTranslation
[docs] def make_translation(self, sources=()): res = super(DataTranslator, self).make_translation(sources) for s in sources: res.source(s) return res
[docs]class PersonDataTranslator(BaseDataTranslator): """ A person who was responsible for carrying out the translation of a data source manually """ person = ObjectProperty(multiple=True) ''' A person responsible for carrying out the translation. '''
# No translate impl is provided here since this is intended purely as a descriptive object __yarom_mapped_classes__ = (Translation, DataSource, DataTranslator, BaseDataTranslator, GenericTranslation, PersonDataTranslator)