Source code for PyOpenWorm.connection

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import six

from .biology import BiologyType
from .cell import Cell
from .dataObject import DatatypeProperty, ObjectProperty

__all__ = ['Connection']

class SynapseType:
    Chemical = 'send'
    GapJunction = 'gapJunction'

class Termination:
    Neuron = 'neuron'
    Muscle = 'muscle'

[docs]class Connection(BiologyType): class_context = BiologyType.class_context post_cell = ObjectProperty(value_type=Cell) ''' The post-synaptic cell ''' pre_cell = ObjectProperty(value_type=Cell) ''' The pre-synaptic cell ''' number = DatatypeProperty() ''' The weight of the connection ''' synclass = DatatypeProperty() ''' The kind of Neurotransmitter (if any) sent between `pre_cell` and `post_cell` ''' syntype = DatatypeProperty() ''' The kind of synaptic connection. 'gapJunction' indicates a gap junction and 'send' a chemical synapse ''' termination = DatatypeProperty() ''' Where the connection terminates. Inferred from type of post_cell at initialization ''' key_properties = (pre_cell, post_cell, syntype) # Arguments are given explicitly here to support positional arguments def __init__(self, pre_cell=None, post_cell=None, number=None, syntype=None, synclass=None, termination=None, **kwargs): super(Connection, self).__init__(pre_cell=pre_cell, post_cell=post_cell, number=number, syntype=syntype, synclass=synclass, **kwargs) if isinstance(termination, six.string_types): termination = termination.lower() if termination in ('neuron', Termination.Neuron): self.termination(Termination.Neuron) elif termination in ('muscle', Termination.Muscle): self.termination(Termination.Muscle) if isinstance(syntype, six.string_types): syntype = syntype.lower() if syntype in ('send', SynapseType.Chemical): self.syntype(SynapseType.Chemical) elif syntype in ('gapjunction', SynapseType.GapJunction): self.syntype(SynapseType.GapJunction) def __str__(self): nom = [] props = ('pre_cell', 'post_cell', 'syntype', 'termination', 'number', 'synclass',) for p in props: if getattr(self, p).has_defined_value(): nom.append((p, getattr(self, p).defined_values[0])) if len(nom) == 0: return super(Connection, self).__str__() else: return 'Connection(' + \ ', '.join('{}={}'.format(n[0], n[1]) for n in nom) + \ ')'
__yarom_mapped_classes__ = (Connection,)