Source code for PyOpenWorm.command

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import sys
import os
from os.path import exists, abspath, join as pth_join, dirname, isabs, relpath
from os import makedirs, mkdir, listdir, rename, unlink, stat

from contextlib import contextmanager
    from os import scandir
except ImportError:
    from scandir import scandir as _scandir

    def scandir(directory):
        sd = _scandir(directory)
            yield sd
            del sd

import hashlib
import shutil
import json
import logging
import errno
from collections import namedtuple
from six import string_types

    from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
except ImportError:
    from backports.tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

from .command_util import IVar, SubCommand, GeneratorWithData
from .context import Context, DATA_CONTEXT_KEY, IMPORTS_CONTEXT_KEY
from .capability import provide, is_capable
from .capabilities import FilePathProvider
from .datasource_loader import DataSourceDirLoader, LoadFailed

L = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class POWSourceData(object): ''' Commands for saving and loading data for DataSources ''' def __init__(self, parent): self._source_command = parent self._pow_command = parent._parent
[docs] def retrieve(self, source, archive='data.tar', archive_type=None): ''' Retrieves the data for the source Parameters ---------- source : str The source for data archive : str The file name of the archive. If this ends with an extension like '.zip', and no `archive_type` argument is given, then an archive will be created of that type. The archive name will *not* have any extension appended in any case. archive_type : str The type of the archive to create. ''' from PyOpenWorm.datasource import DataSource sid = self._pow_command._den3(source) if not archive_type: for ext in EXT_TO_ARCHIVE_FMT: if archive.endswith(ext): archive_type = EXT_TO_ARCHIVE_FMT.get(ext) break if not archive_type: if ext: msg = "The extension '{}', does not match any known archive format." \ " Defaulting to TAR format" L.warning(msg.format(ext)) archive_type = 'tar' try: sources = self._pow_command._data_ctx.stored(DataSource)(ident=sid).load() for data_source in sources: dd = self._pow_command._dsd[data_source] except KeyError: raise GenericUserError('Could not find data for {} ({})'.format(sid, source)) with self._pow_command._tempdir(prefix='pow-source-data-retrieve.') as d: temp_archive = shutil.make_archive(pth_join(d, 'archive'), archive_type, dd) rename(temp_archive, archive)
EXT_TO_ARCHIVE_FMT = { '.tar.bz2': 'bztar', '.tar.gz': 'gztar', '.tar.xz': 'xztar', '.tar': 'tar', '.zip': 'zip', }
[docs]class POWSource(object): ''' Commands for working with DataSource objects ''' data = SubCommand(POWSourceData) def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent # Commands specific to sources
[docs] def create(self, kind, key, *args, **kwargs): """ Create the source and add it to the graph. Arguments are determined by the type of the data source Parameters ---------- kind : rdflib.term.URIRef The kind of source to create key : str The key, a unique name for the source """
[docs] def list(self, context=None, kind=None, full=False): """ List known sources Parameters ---------- kind : str Only list sources of this kind context : str The context to query for sources full : bool Whether to (attempt to) shorten the source URIs by using the namespace manager """ from .datasource import DataSource conf = self._parent._conf() if context is not None: ctx = self._make_ctx(context) else: ctx = self._parent._data_ctx if kind is None: kind = DataSource.rdf_type kind_uri = self._parent._den3(kind) dst = ctx.stored(ctx.stored.resolve_class(kind_uri)) dt = dst.query(conf=conf) nm = conf['rdf.graph'].namespace_manager def format_id(r): if full: return r.identifier return nm.normalizeUri(r.identifier) def format_comment(r): comment = r.rdfs_comment() if comment: return '\n'.join(comment) return '' return GeneratorWithData(dt.load(), text_format=format_id, default_columns=('ID',), columns=(format_id, format_comment), header=('ID', 'Comment'))
[docs] def show(self, *data_source): ''' Parameters ---------- *data_source : str The ID of the data source to show ''' from PyOpenWorm.datasource import DataSource for ds in data_source: uri = self._parent._den3(ds) for x in self._parent._data_ctx.stored(DataSource)(ident=uri).load(): self._parent.message(x.format_str(stored=True))
[docs] def list_kinds(self, full=False): """ List kinds of sources Parameters ---------- full : bool Whether to (attempt to) shorten the source URIs by using the namespace manager """ from .datasource import DataSource from .dataObject import TypeDataObject, RDFSSubClassOfProperty from yarom.graphObject import ZeroOrMoreTQLayer from .rdf_query_util import zomifier conf = self._parent._conf() ctx = self._parent._data_ctx rdfto = ctx.stored(DataSource.rdf_type_object) sc = ctx.stored(TypeDataObject)() sc.attach_property(RDFSSubClassOfProperty) sc.rdfs_subclassof_property(rdfto) nm = conf['rdf.graph'].namespace_manager g = ZeroOrMoreTQLayer(zomifier(DataSource.rdf_type), ctx.stored.rdf_graph()) for x in sc.load(graph=g): if full: yield x.identifier else: yield nm.normalizeUri(x.identifier)
class POWTranslator(object): def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent def list(self, context=None, full=False): ''' List translators Parameters ---------- context : str The root context to search full : bool Whether to (attempt to) shorten the source URIs by using the namespace manager ''' from PyOpenWorm.datasource import DataTranslator conf = self._parent._conf() if context is not None: ctx = self._make_ctx(context) else: ctx = self._parent._data_ctx dt = ctx.stored(DataTranslator)(conf=conf) nm = conf['rdf.graph'].namespace_manager for x in dt.load(): if full: yield x.identifier else: yield nm.normalizeUri(x.identifier) def show(self, translator): ''' Show a translator Parameters ---------- translator : str The translator to show ''' from PyOpenWorm.datasource import DataTranslator conf = self._parent._conf() uri = self._parent._den3(translator) dt = self._parent._data_ctx.stored(DataTranslator)(ident=uri, conf=conf) for x in dt.load(): self._parent.message(x) return class POWNamespace(object): def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent def list(self): conf = self._parent._conf() nm = conf['rdf.graph'].namespace_manager for prefix, uri in nm.namespaces(): self._parent.message(prefix, uri.n3()) class _ProgressMock(object): def __getattr__(self, name): return type(self)() def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return type(self)() class POWDist(object): def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent class POWConfig(object): user = IVar(value_type=bool, default_value=False, doc='If set, configs are only for the user; otherwise, they \ would be committed to the repository') def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent def __setattr__(self, t, v): super(POWConfig, self).__setattr__(t, v)'user.conf', value_type=str) def user_config_file(self): ''' The user config file name ''' if isabs(self._user_config_file): return self._user_config_file return pth_join(self._parent.powdir, self._user_config_file) @user_config_file.setter def user_config_file(self, val): self._user_config_file = val def _get_config_file(self): if not exists(self._parent.powdir): raise POWDirMissingException(self._parent.powdir) if self.user: res = self.user_config_file else: res = self._parent.config_file if not exists(res): if self.user: self._init_user_config_file() else: self._parent._init_config_file() return res def _init_user_config_file(self): with open(self.user_config_file, 'w') as f: write_config({}, f) def get(self, key): ''' Read a config value Parameters ---------- key : str The configuration key ''' fname = self._get_config_file() with open(fname, 'r') as f: ob = json.load(f) return ob.get(key) def set(self, key, value): ''' Set a config value Parameters ---------- key : str The configuration key value : str The value to set ''' fname = self._get_config_file() with open(fname, 'r+') as f: ob = json.load(f) try: json_value = json.loads(value) except ValueError: json_value = value ob[key] = json_value write_config(ob, f) def delete(self, key): ''' Deletes a config value Parameters ---------- key : str The configuration key ''' fname = self._get_config_file() with open(fname, 'r+') as f: ob = json.load(f) del ob[key] write_config(ob, f) _PROGRESS_MOCK = _ProgressMock() @contextmanager def default_progress_reporter(*args, **kwargs): yield _PROGRESS_MOCK POSSIBLE_EDITORS = [ '/usr/bin/vi', '/usr/bin/vim', '/usr/bin/nano', 'vim', 'vi', 'nano' ] class POWEvidence(object): def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent def get(self, identifier, rdf_type=None): ''' Retrieves evidence for the given object. If there are multiple types for the object, the evidence for only one type will be shown, but you can specify which type should be used. Parameters ---------- identifier : str The object to show evidence for rdf_type : str Type of the object to show evidence ''' from PyOpenWorm.evidence import Evidence from PyOpenWorm.data_trans.data_with_evidence_ds import DataWithEvidenceDataSource from PyOpenWorm.contextDataObject import ContextDataObject ctx = self._parent._data_ctx.stored identifier = self._parent._den3(identifier) rdf_type = self._parent._den3(rdf_type) if rdf_type: base_type = ctx(ctx.resolve_class(rdf_type)) else: from PyOpenWorm.dataObject import DataObject base_type = ctx(DataObject) q = base_type.query(ident=identifier) for l in q.load(): if isinstance(l, ContextDataObject): evq = ctx(Evidence).query() evq.supports(l) self._message_evidence(evq) if isinstance(l, DataWithEvidenceDataSource): evq = l.evidence_context.stored(Evidence).query() self._message_evidence(evq) def _message_evidence(self, evq): from import Website from PyOpenWorm.document import Document msg = self._parent.message for m in evq.load(): ref = m.reference() if isinstance(ref, Document): msg(ref) titles = ['Author:', 'Title: ', 'URI: ', 'DOI: ', 'PMID: ', 'WBID: '] vals = [, ref.title(), ref.uri(), ref.doi(), ref.pmid(), ref.wbid()] for title, v in zip(titles, vals): if v: msg(title, v) msg() elif isinstance(ref, Website): msg(ref) titles = ['Title: ', 'URL: '] vals = [ref.title(), ref.url()] for title, v in zip(titles, vals): if v: msg(title, v) msg() class POWContexts(object): def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent def edit(self, context=None, format=None, editor=None, list_formats=False): ''' Edit a provided context or the current data context. The file name of the serialization will be passed as the sole argument to the editor. If the editor argument is not provided, will use the EDITOR environment variable. If EDITOR is also not defined, will try a few known editors until one is found. The editor must write back to the file. Parameters ---------- context : str The context to edit format : str Serialization format (ex, 'n3', 'nquads'). Default 'n3' editor : str The program which will be used to edit the context serialization. list_formats : bool List the formats available for editing ''' from rdflib.plugin import plugins from rdflib.serializer import Serializer from rdflib.parser import Parser stores = set( for x in plugins(kind=Serializer)) parsers = set( for x in plugins(kind=Parser)) formats = stores & parsers if list_formats: return formats if not format: format = 'n3' if format not in formats: raise GenericUserError("Unsupported format: " + format) from subprocess import call if context is None: ctx = self._parent._data_ctx ctxid = self._parent._conf()[DATA_CONTEXT_KEY] else: ctx = Context(ident=context, conf=self._parent._conf()) ctxid = context if not editor: editor = os.environ['EDITOR'].strip() if not editor: for editor in POSSIBLE_EDITORS: if hasattr(shutil, 'which'): editor = shutil.which(editor) if editor: break elif os.access(editor, os.R_OK | os.X_OK): break if not editor: raise GenericUserError("No known editor could be found") with self._parent._tempdir(prefix='pow-context-edit.') as d: from rdflib import plugin from rdflib.parser import Parser, create_input_source import transaction parser = plugin.get(format, Parser)() fname = pth_join(d, 'data') with transaction.manager: with open(fname, mode='wb') as destination: ctx.own_stored.rdf_graph().serialize(destination, format=format) call([editor, fname]) with open(fname, mode='rb') as source: g = self._parent._rdf.get_context(ctxid) g.remove((None, None, None)) parser.parse(create_input_source(source), g) def list(self): ''' List the set of contexts in the graph ''' for c in self._parent._conf()['rdf.graph'].contexts(): yield c.identifier def list_changed(self): ''' Return the set of contexts which differ from the serialization on disk ''' return self._parent._changed_contexts_set()
[docs]class POW(object): """ High-level commands for working with PyOpenWorm data """ graph_accessor_finder = IVar(doc='Finds an RDFLib graph from the given URL') basedir = IVar('.', doc='The base directory. powdir is resolved against this base') repository_provider = IVar(doc='The provider of the repository logic' ' (cloning, initializing, committing, checkouts)') # N.B.: Sub-commands are created on-demand when you access the attribute, # hence they do not, in any way, store attributes set on them. You must # save the instance of the subcommand to a variable in order to make # multiple statements including that sub-command config = SubCommand(POWConfig) source = SubCommand(POWSource) translator = SubCommand(POWTranslator) namespace = SubCommand(POWNamespace) contexts = SubCommand(POWContexts) evidence = SubCommand(POWEvidence) def __init__(self): from time import time self.progress_reporter = default_progress_reporter self.message = lambda *args, **kwargs: print(*args, **kwargs) self._clock = time self._data_source_directories = None self._changed_contexts = None self._pow_connection = None'.pow') def powdir(self): ''' The base directory for PyOpenWorm files. The repository provider's files also go under here ''' if isabs(self._powdir): return self._powdir return pth_join(self.basedir, self._powdir) @powdir.setter def powdir(self, val): self._powdir = val'pow.conf', value_type=str) def config_file(self): ''' The config file name ''' if isabs(self._config_file): return self._config_file return pth_join(self.powdir, self._config_file) @config_file.setter def config_file(self, val): self._config_file = val'worm.db') def store_name(self): ''' The file name of the database store ''' if isabs(self._store_name): return self._store_name return pth_join(self.powdir, self._store_name) @store_name.setter def store_name(self, val): self._store_name = val def _ensure_powdir(self): if not exists(self.powdir): makedirs(self.powdir) def log_level(self): ''' Log level ''' return logging.getLevelName(logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel()) @log_level.setter def log_level(self, level): logging.getLogger().setLevel(getattr(logging, level.upper())) # Tailoring for known loggers # Generally, too verbose for the user logging.getLogger('PyOpenWorm.mapper').setLevel(logging.ERROR)
[docs] def save(self, module, provider=None, context=None): ''' Save the data in the given context Saves the "mapped" classes declared in a module and saves the objects declared by the "provider" (see the argument's description) Parameters ---------- module : str Name of the module housing the provider provider : str Name of the provider, a callble that accepts a context object and adds statements to it. Can be a "dotted" name indicating attribute accesses context : str The target context ''' import transaction import importlib as IM from functools import wraps conf = self._conf() added_cwd = False cwd = os.getcwd() if cwd not in sys.path: sys.path.append(cwd) added_cwd = True try: m = IM.import_module(module) provider_not_set = provider is None if not provider: provider = DEFAULT_SAVE_CALLABLE_NAME if not context: ctx = _POWSaveContext(self._data_ctx, m) else: ctx = _POWSaveContext(Context(ident=context, conf=conf), m) attr_chain = provider.split('.') p = m for x in attr_chain: try: p = getattr(p, x) except AttributeError: if provider_not_set and getattr(m, '__yarom_mapped_classes__', None): def p(*args, **kwargs): pass break raise ns = POWSaveNamespace(context=ctx) mapped_classes = getattr(m, '__yarom_mapped_classes__', None) if mapped_classes: # It's a module with class definitions -- take each of the mapped # classes and add their contexts so they're saved properly... np = p @wraps(p) def save_classes(ns): mapper = conf['mapper'] mapper.process_module(module, m) for mapped_class in mapped_classes: ns.include_context(mapped_class.definition_context) np(ns) p = save_classes with transaction.manager: p(ns)['rdf.graph']) return ns.created_contexts() finally: if added_cwd: sys.path.remove(cwd)
[docs] def say(self, subject, property, object): ''' Make a statement Parameters ---------- subject : str The object which you want to say something about property : str The type of statement to make object : str The other object you want to say something about ''' from PyOpenWorm.dataObject import DataObject import transaction dctx = self._data_ctx query = dctx.stored(DataObject)(ident=self._den3(subject)) with transaction.manager: for ob in query.load(): getattr(dctx(ob), property)(object)
[docs] def context(self, context=None, user=False): ''' Read or set current target context for the repository Parameters ---------- context : str The context to set user : bool If set, set the context only for the current user. Has no effect for retrieving the context ''' if context is not None: config = self.config config.user = user config.set(DATA_CONTEXT_KEY, context) else: return self._conf().get(DATA_CONTEXT_KEY)
[docs] def imports_context(self, context=None, user=False): ''' Read or set current target imports context for the repository Parameters ---------- context : str The context to set user : bool If set, set the context only for the current user. Has no effect for retrieving the context ''' if context is not None: config = self.config config.user = user config.set(IMPORTS_CONTEXT_KEY, context) else: return self._conf().get(IMPORTS_CONTEXT_KEY)
[docs] def init(self, update_existing_config=False): """ Makes a new graph store. The configuration file will be created if it does not exist. If it *does* exist, the location of the database store will, by default, not be changed in that file Parameters ---------- update_existing_config : bool If True, updates the existing config file to point to the given file for the store configuration """ try: self._ensure_powdir() if not exists(self.config_file): self._init_config_file() elif update_existing_config: with open(self.config_file, 'r+') as f: conf = json.load(f) conf['rdf.store_conf'] = pth_join('$POW', relpath(abspath(self.store_name), abspath(self.powdir))) write_config(conf, f) self._init_store() self._init_repository() except Exception: self._ensure_no_powdir() raise
def _ensure_no_powdir(self): if exists(self.powdir): shutil.rmtree(self.powdir) def _init_config_file(self): with open(self._default_config(), 'r') as f: default = json.load(f) with open(self.config_file, 'w') as of: default['rdf.store_conf'] = pth_join('$POW', relpath(abspath(self.store_name), abspath(self.powdir))) write_config(default, of) def _init_repository(self): if self.repository_provider is not None: self.repository_provider.init(base=self.powdir) def _den3(self, s): if not s: return s from rdflib.namespace import is_ncname from rdflib.term import URIRef conf = self._conf() nm = conf['rdf.graph'].namespace_manager s = s.strip(u'<>') parts = s.split(':') if len(parts) > 1 and is_ncname(parts[1]): for pref, ns in nm.namespaces(): if pref == parts[0]: s = URIRef(ns + parts[1]) break return URIRef(s)
[docs] def fetch_graph(self, url): """ Fetch a graph Parameters ---------- url : str URL for the graph """ res = self._obtain_graph_accessor(url) if not res: raise UnreadableGraphException('Could not read the graph at {}'.format(url)) return res()
[docs] def add_graph(self, url=None, context=None, include_imports=True): """ Fetch a graph and add it to the local store. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL of the graph to fetch context : rdflib.term.URIRef If provided, only this context and, optionally, its imported graphs will be added. include_imports : bool If True, imports of the named context will be included. Has no effect if context is None. """ graph = self.fetch_graph(url) dat = self._conf() dat['rdf.graph'].addN(graph.quads((None, None, None, context)))
def _obtain_graph_accessor(self, url): if self.graph_accessor_finder is None: raise Exception('No graph_accessor_finder has been configured') return self.graph_accessor_finder(url) def _conf(self): from import Data from PyOpenWorm import connect dat = getattr(self, '_dat', None) if not dat or self._dat_file != self.config_file: if not exists(self.config_file): raise NoConfigFileError(self.config_file) with open(self.config_file) as repo_config: rc = json.load(repo_config) if not exists(self.config.user_config_file): uc = {} else: with open(self.config.user_config_file) as user_config: uc = json.load(user_config) # Pre-process the user-config to resolve variables based on the user # config-file location uc['configure.file_location'] = self.config.user_config_file udat = Data.process_config(uc, variables={'POW': self.powdir}) rc.update(udat.items()) rc['configure.file_location'] = self.config_file dat = Data.process_config(rc, variables={'POW': self.powdir}) store_conf = dat.get('rdf.store_conf', None) if not store_conf: raise GenericUserError('rdf.store_conf is not defined in either of the POW' ' configuration files at ' + self.config_file + ' or ' + self.config.user_config_file + ' POW repository may have been initialized' ' incorrectly') if isabs(store_conf) and \ not store_conf.startswith(abspath(self.powdir)): raise GenericUserError('rdf.store_conf must specify a path inside of ' + self.powdir + ' but instead it is ' + store_conf) self._pow_connection = connect(conf=dat) dat.on_context_changed(self._context_changed_handler()) self._dat = dat self._dat_file = self.config_file return dat def _disconnect(self): from PyOpenWorm import disconnect if self._pow_connection is not None: disconnect(self._pow_connection) _init_store = _conf def _context_changed_handler(self): def handler(event): from rdflib.term import URIRef self._context_changed_times[URIRef(event.context)] = self._clock() return handler @property def _context_changed_times(self): if self._changed_contexts is None: import ZODB from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage import BTrees ccfile = pth_join(self.powdir, 'changed_contexts') all_changed = False if not exists(ccfile): all_changed = True try: fs = FileStorage(ccfile) except IOError: L.exception("Failed to create a FileStorage") raise Exception("Failed to open", ccfile) _cc_zdb = ZODB.DB(fs, cache_size=1600) _cc_conn = root = _cc_conn.root() if 'ccmap' not in root: root['ccmap'] = BTrees.family32.OO.BTree() self._changed_contexts = root['ccmap'] return self._changed_contexts
[docs] def clone(self, url=None, update_existing_config=False): """Clone a data store Parameters ---------- url : str URL of the data store to clone update_existing_config : bool If True, updates the existing config file to point to the given file for the store configuration """ try: makedirs(self.powdir) self.message('Cloning...', file=sys.stderr) with self.progress_reporter(file=sys.stderr, unit=' objects', miniters=0) as progress: self.repository_provider.clone(url, base=self.powdir, progress=progress) if not exists(self.config_file): self._init_config_file() self._init_store() self.message('Deserializing...', file=sys.stderr) self._regenerate_database() self.message('Done!', file=sys.stderr) except BaseException as e: self._ensure_no_powdir() raise e
[docs] def git(self, *args): ''' Runs git commmands in the .pow directory Parameters ---------- *args arguments to git ''' import shlex from subprocess import Popen, PIPE startdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.powdir) try: with Popen(['git'] + list(args), stdout=PIPE) as p: self.message('utf-8', 'ignore')) finally: os.chdir(startdir)
def regendb(self): from glob import glob for g in glob(self.store_name + '*'): self.message('unlink', g) os.unlink(g) ccfile = pth_join(self.powdir, 'changed_contexts') for g in glob(ccfile + '*'): self.message('unlink', g) os.unlink(g) self._regenerate_database() def _regenerate_database(self): with self.progress_reporter(unit=' ctx', file=sys.stderr) as ctx_prog, \ self.progress_reporter(unit=' triples', file=sys.stderr, leave=False) as trip_prog: self._load_all_graphs(ctx_prog, trip_prog) def _load_all_graphs(self, progress, trip_prog): import transaction from rdflib import plugin from rdflib.term import URIRef from rdflib.parser import Parser, create_input_source idx_fname = pth_join(self.powdir, 'graphs', 'index') triples_read = 0 if exists(idx_fname): dest = self._conf()['rdf.graph'] with open(idx_fname) as index_file: cnt = 0 for l in index_file: cnt += 1 = cnt with transaction.manager: for l in index_file: fname, ctx = l.strip().split(' ') parser = plugin.get('nt', Parser)() graph_fname = pth_join(self.powdir, 'graphs', fname) with open(graph_fname, 'rb') as f, \ _BatchAddGraph(dest.get_context(ctx), batchsize=4000) as g: parser.parse(create_input_source(f), g) progress.update(1) triples_read += g.count trip_prog.update(g.count) self._context_changed_times[URIRef(ctx)] = stat(graph_fname).st_mtime progress.write('Finalizing writes to database...') progress.write('Loaded {:,} triples'.format(triples_read)) def _graphs_index(self): idx_fname = pth_join(self.powdir, 'graphs', 'index') if exists(idx_fname): with open(idx_fname) as index_file: for l in index_file: yield l.strip().split(' ') @property def _context_fnames(self): if not hasattr(self, '_cfn'): self._read_graphs_index() return self._cfn @property def _fname_contexts(self): if not hasattr(self, '_fnc'): self._read_graphs_index() return self._fnc def _read_graphs_index(self): ctx_index = dict() fname_index = dict() for fname, ctx in self._graphs_index(): ctx_index[ctx] = pth_join(self.powdir, 'graphs', fname) fname_index[fname] = ctx self._cfn = ctx_index self._fnc = fname_index
[docs] def translate(self, translator, output_key=None, output_identifier=None, data_sources=(), named_data_sources=None): """ Do a translation with the named translator and inputs Parameters ---------- translator : str Translator identifier imports_context_ident : str Identifier for the imports context. All imports go in here output_key : str Output key. Used for generating the output's identifier. Exclusive with output_identifier output_identifier : str Output identifier. Exclusive with output_key data_sources : list of str Input data sources named_data_sources : dict Named input data sources """ import transaction if named_data_sources is None: named_data_sources = dict() translator_obj = self._lookup_translator(translator) if translator_obj is None: raise GenericUserError('No translator for ' + translator) positional_sources = [self._lookup_source(src) for src in data_sources] if None in positional_sources: raise GenericUserError('No source for "' + data_sources[positional_sources.index(None)] + '"') named_sources = {k: self._lookup_source(src) for k, src in named_data_sources} with self._tempdir(prefix='pow-translate.') as d: orig_wd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(d) with transaction.manager: try: res = translator_obj(*positional_sources, output_identifier=output_identifier, output_key=output_key, **named_sources) finally: os.chdir(orig_wd) res.commit() res.context.save_context()
@contextmanager def _tempdir(self, *args, **kwargs): td = pth_join(self.powdir, 'temp') if not exists(td): makedirs(td) kwargs['dir'] = td with TemporaryDirectory(*args, **kwargs) as d: yield d @property def _dsd(self): self._load_data_source_directories() return self._data_source_directories def _load_data_source_directories(self): if not self._data_source_directories: # The DSD holds mappings to data sources we've loaded before. In general, this allows the individual loaders # to not worry about checking if they have loaded something before. # XXX persist the dict lclasses = [POWDirDataSourceDirLoader()] dsd = _DSD(dict(), pth_join(self.powdir, 'data_source_data'), lclasses) try: dindex = open(pth_join(self.powdir, 'data_source_directories')) for ds_id, dname in (x.strip().split(' ', 1) for x in dindex): dsd.put(ds_id, dname) except OSError: pass self._data_source_directories = dsd def _stage_translation_directory(self, source_directory, target_directory): self.message('Copying files into {} from {}'.format(target_directory, source_directory)) # TODO: Add support for a selector based on a MANIFEST and/or ignore # file to pass in as the 'ignore' option to copytree for dirent in listdir(source_directory): src = pth_join(source_directory, dirent) dst = pth_join(target_directory, dirent) self.message('Copying {} to {}'.format(src, dst)) try: shutil.copytree(src, dst) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOTDIR: shutil.copy2(src, dst) def _lookup_translator(self, tname): from PyOpenWorm.datasource import DataTranslator for x in self._data_ctx.stored(DataTranslator)(ident=tname).load(): return x def _lookup_source(self, sname): from PyOpenWorm.datasource import DataSource for x in self._data_ctx.stored(DataSource)(ident=self._den3(sname)).load(): provide(x, self._cap_provs) return x @property def _cap_provs(self): return [DataSourceDirectoryProvider(self._dsd)] @property def _data_ctx(self): conf = self._conf() try: return Context(ident=conf[DATA_CONTEXT_KEY], conf=conf) except KeyError: raise ConfigMissingException(DATA_CONTEXT_KEY) def _make_ctx(self, ctxid): return Context(ident=ctxid, conf=self._conf())
[docs] def reconstitute(self, data_source): ''' Recreate a data source by executing the chain of translators that went into making it. Parameters ---------- data_source : str Identifier for the data source to reconstitute '''
[docs] def serialize(self, context=None, destination=None, format='nquads', include_imports=False, whole_graph=False): ''' Serialize the current data context or the one provided Parameters ---------- context : str The context to save destination : file or str A file-like object to write the file to or a file name. If not provided, messages the result. format : str Serialization format (ex, 'n3', 'nquads') include_imports : bool If true, then include contexts imported by the provided context in the result. The default is not to include imported contexts. whole_graph: bool Serialize all contexts from all graphs (this probably isn't what you want) ''' retstr = False if destination is None: from six import BytesIO retstr = True destination = BytesIO() if context is None: ctx = self._data_ctx else: ctx = Context(ident=self._den3(context), conf=self._conf()) if whole_graph: self._conf()['rdf.graph'].serialize(destination, format=format) else: if include_imports: ctx.stored.rdf_graph().serialize(destination, format=format) else: ctx.own_stored.rdf_graph().serialize(destination, format=format) if retstr: self.message(destination.getvalue().decode(encoding='utf-8'))
def _package_path(self): """ Get the package path """ from pkgutil import get_loader return dirname(get_loader('PyOpenWorm').get_filename()) def _default_config(self): return pth_join(self._package_path(), 'default.conf')
[docs] def list_contexts(self): ''' List contexts ''' for m in self.contexts.list(): yield m
@property def _rdf(self): return self._conf()['rdf.graph']
[docs] def commit(self, message): ''' Write the graph to the local repository Parameters ---------- message : str commit message ''' repo = self.repository_provider self._serialize_graphs() repo.commit(message)
def _changed_contexts_set(self): from rdflib.term import URIRef changed = set() gf_index = {URIRef(y): x for x, y in self._graphs_index()} for ctx, mtime in self._context_changed_times.items(): g_fname = gf_index.get(ctx) g_fname = None if g_fname is None else pth_join(self.powdir, 'graphs', g_fname) if not g_fname or stat(g_fname).st_mtime != mtime: changed.add(ctx) changed |= set(gf_index.keys()) - set(self._context_changed_times.keys()) return changed def _serialize_graphs(self, ignore_change_cache=False): import transaction from rdflib import plugin from rdflib.serializer import Serializer g = self._conf()['rdf.graph'] repo = self.repository_provider repo.base = self.powdir graphs_base = pth_join(self.powdir, 'graphs') changed = self._changed_contexts_set() if changed and repo.is_dirty: repo.reset() if not exists(graphs_base): mkdir(graphs_base) files = [] ctx_data = [] with transaction.manager: for context in g.contexts(): ident = context.identifier if not ignore_change_cache: ctx_changed = ident in changed else: ctx_changed = True sfname = self._context_fnames.get(str(ident)) if not sfname: fname = self._gen_ctx_fname(ident, graphs_base) else: fname = sfname # If there's a context in the graph, but we don't even have a file, then it is changed. # This can happen if we get out of sync with what's on disk. if not ctx_changed and not exists(fname): ctx_changed = True if ctx_changed: # N.B. We *overwrite* changes to the serialized graphs -- the source of truth is what's in the # RDFLib graph unless we regenerate the database serializer = plugin.get('nt', Serializer)(sorted(context)) with open(fname, 'wb') as gfile: serializer.serialize(gfile) self._context_changed_times[ident] = stat(fname).st_mtime ctx_data.append((relpath(fname, graphs_base), ident)) files.append(fname) index_fname = pth_join(graphs_base, 'index') with open(index_fname, 'w') as index_file: for l in sorted(ctx_data): print(*l, file=index_file, end='\n') files.append(index_fname) repo.add([relpath(f, self.powdir) for f in files] + [relpath(self.config_file, self.powdir), 'graphs']) def _gen_ctx_fname(self, ident, graphs_base): hs = hashlib.sha256(ident.encode()).hexdigest() fname = pth_join(graphs_base, hs + '.nt') i = 1 while exists(fname): fname = pth_join(graphs_base, hs + '-' + str(i) + '.nt') i += 1 return fname
[docs] def diff(self): """ Show differences between what's in the working context set and what's in the serializations """ import sys from difflib import unified_diff from os.path import join, basename import traceback from git import Repo r = self.repository_provider try: self._serialize_graphs(ignore_change_cache=False) except Exception: r.reset() L.exception("Could not serialize graphs") raise GenericUserError("Could not serialize graphs") head_commit = r.repo().head.commit di = head_commit.diff(None) for d in di: try: a_blob = d.a_blob if a_blob: adata ='\n') else: adata = [] except Exception as e: print('No "a" data: {}'.format(e), file=sys.stderr) adata = [] try: b_blob = d.b_blob if b_blob: bdata ='\n') else: with open(join(r.repo().working_dir, d.b_path), 'rb') as f: bdata ='\n') except Exception as e: print('No "b" data: {}'.format(e), file=sys.stderr) bdata = [] afname = basename(d.a_path) bfname = basename(d.b_path) graphdir = join(self.powdir, 'graphs') fromfile = self._fname_contexts.get(afname, afname) tofile = self._fname_contexts.get(bfname, bfname) try: sys.stdout.writelines( self._colorize_diff(unified_diff([x.decode('utf-8') + '\n' for x in adata], [x.decode('utf-8') + '\n' for x in bdata], fromfile='a ' + fromfile, tofile='b ' + tofile, lineterm='\n'))) except Exception: if adata and not bdata: sys.stdout.writelines('Deleted ' + fromfile + '\n') elif bdata and not adata: sys.stdout.writelines('Created ' + fromfile + '\n') else: asize = a_blob.size asha = a_blob.hexsha bsize = b_blob.size bsha = b_blob.hexsha sys.stdout.writelines(self._colorize_diff(''' --- a {fromfile} --- Size: {asize} --- Shasum: {asha} +++ b {tofile} +++ Size: {bsize} +++ Shasum: {bsha} '''.strip().format(locals())))
def _colorize_diff(self, lines): from termcolor import colored for l in lines: if l.startswith('+'): yield colored(l, 'green') elif l.startswith('-'): yield colored(l, 'red') else: yield l
[docs] def merge(self): """ """
[docs] def push(self): """ """
[docs] def tag(self): """ """
class _POWSaveContext(Context): def __init__(self, backer, user_module=None): self._user_mod = user_module self._backer = backer #: Backing context self._imported_ctx_ids = set([self._backer.identifier]) self._unvalidated_statements = [] def add_import(self, ctx): self._imported_ctx_ids.add(ctx.identifier) # Remove unvalidated statements which had this new context as the one they are missing self._unvalidated_statements = [p for p in self._unvalidated_statements if p[2][0] != ctx.identifier] return self._backer.add_import(ctx) def add_statement(self, stmt): stmt_tuple = (stmt.subject,, stmt.object) for p in (UnimportedContextRecord(x.context.identifier, i, stmt) for i, x in enumerate(stmt_tuple) if x.context is not None and x.context.identifier not in self._imported_ctx_ids): from inspect import getouterframes, currentframe self._unvalidated_statements.append(SaveValidationFailureRecord(self._user_mod, getouterframes(currentframe()), p)) return self._backer.add_statement(stmt) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._backer, name) def save_context(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._backer.save_context(*args, **kwargs) def save_imports(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._backer.save_imports(*args, **kwargs) class _BatchAddGraph(object): ''' Wrapper around graph that turns calls to 'add' into calls to 'addN' ''' def __init__(self, graph, batchsize=1000, *args, **kwargs): self.graph = graph self.g = (graph,) self.batchsize = batchsize self.reset() def reset(self): self.batch = [] self.count = 0 def add(self, triple): if self.count > 0 and self.count % self.batchsize == 0: self.graph.addN(self.batch) self.batch = [] self.count += 1 self.batch.append(triple + self.g) def __enter__(self): self.reset() return self def __exit__(self, *exc): if exc[0] is None: self.graph.addN(self.batch) def write_config(ob, f): json.dump(ob, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) f.write('\n') f.truncate()
[docs]class GenericUserError(Exception): ''' An error which should be reported to the user. Not necessarily an error that is the user's fault '''
[docs]class InvalidGraphException(GenericUserError): ''' Thrown when a graph cannot be translated due to formatting errors '''
[docs]class UnreadableGraphException(GenericUserError): ''' Thrown when a graph cannot be read due to it being missing, the active user lacking permissions, etc. '''
[docs]class NoConfigFileError(GenericUserError): pass
[docs]class POWDirMissingException(GenericUserError): pass
[docs]class SaveValidationFailureRecord(namedtuple('SaveValidationFailureRecord', ['user_module', 'stack', 'validation_record'])): def filtered_stack(self): umfile = getattr(self.user_module, '__file__', None) if umfile and umfile.endswith('pyc'): umfile = umfile[:-3] + 'py' ourfile = __file__ if ourfile.endswith('pyc'): ourfile = ourfile[:-3] + 'py' def find_last_user_frame(frames): start = False lastum = 0 res = [] for i, f in enumerate(frames): if umfile and f[1].startswith(umfile): lastum = i if start: res.append(f) if not start and f[1].startswith(ourfile): start = True return res[:lastum] return find_last_user_frame(self.stack) def __str__(self): from traceback import format_list stack = format_list([x[1:4] + (''.join(x[4]).strip(),) for x in self.filtered_stack()]) fmt = '{}\n Traceback (most recent call last, PyOpenWorm frames omitted):\n {}' res = fmt.format(self.validation_record, '\n '.join(''.join(s for s in stack if s).split('\n'))) return res.strip()
class _DSD(object): def __init__(self, ds_dict, base_directory, loaders): self._dsdict = ds_dict self._base_directory = base_directory self._loaders = self._init_loaders(loaders) def __getitem__(self, data_source): dsid = str(data_source.identifier) try: return self._dsdict[dsid] except KeyError: res = self._load_data_source(data_source) if res: self._dsdict[dsid] = res return res raise def put(self, data_source_ident, directory): self._dsdict[str(data_source_ident)] = directory def _init_loaders(self, loaders): res = [] for loader in loaders: nd = pth_join(self._base_directory, loader.directory_key) if not exists(nd): makedirs(nd) loader.base_directory = nd res.append(loader) return res def _load_data_source(self, data_source): for loader in self._loaders: if loader.can_load(data_source): return loader(data_source) class DataSourceDirectoryProvider(FilePathProvider): def __init__(self, dsd): self._dsd = dsd def __call__(self, ob): try: path = self._dsd[ob] except KeyError: return None return _DSDP(path) class _DSDP(FilePathProvider): def __init__(self, path): self._path = path def file_path(self): return self._path
[docs]class POWDirDataSourceDirLoader(DataSourceDirLoader): def __init__(self, basedir=None): super(POWDirDataSourceDirLoader, self).__init__() self._index = dict() self.base_directory = basedir @property def base_directory(self): return self._base_directory @base_directory.setter def base_directory(self, val): if val: self._base_directory = val self._idx_fname = pth_join(val, 'index') def _load_index(self): with scandir(self._base_directory) as dirents: dentdict = { de for de in dirents} with open(self._idx_fname) as f: for l in f: dsid, dname = l.split(' ') dname = dname.strip() if self._index_dir_entry_is_bad(dname, dentdict.get(dname)): continue self._index[dsid] = dname def _index_dir_entry_is_bad(self, dname, de): if not de: msg = "There is no directory entry for {} in {}" L.warn(msg.format(dname, self._base_directory), exc_info=True) return True if not de.is_dir(): msg = "The directory entry for {} in {} is not a directory" L.warn(msg.format(dname, self._base_directory)) return True return False def _ensure_index_loaded(self): if not self._index: self._load_index() def can_load(self, data_source): try: self._ensure_index_loaded() except (OSError, IOError) as e: # If the index file just happens not to be here since the repo doesn't have any data source directories, # then we just can't load the data source's data, but for any other kind of error, something more exotic # could be the cause, so let the caller handle it # if e.errno == 2: # FileNotFound return False raise return str(data_source.identifier) in self._index def load(self, ident): try: self._ensure_index_loaded() except Exception as e: raise LoadFailed(ident, self, "Failed to load the index: " + str(e)) try: return self._index[ident] except KeyError: raise LoadFailed(ident, self, 'The given identifier is not in the index')
class POWSaveNamespace(object): def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self._created_ctxs = set() self._external_contexts = set() def new_context(self, ctx_id): # Get the type of our context contextualized *with* our context ctx_type = self.context(type(self.context)) # Make the "backing" context for the result we return new_ctx = self.context(Context)(ident=ctx_id, conf=self.context.conf) # Make the "wrapper" context and pass through the user's module for validation res = ctx_type(new_ctx, user_module=self.context._user_mod) # Finally, add the context self._created_ctxs.add(res) return res def include_context(self, ctx): ''' Include the given exernally-created context for saving. If you the context is being made within the save function, then you can use new_context instead. ''' self._external_contexts.add(ctx) def created_contexts(self): for ctx in self._created_ctxs: yield ctx yield self.context def validate(self): unvalidated = [] for c in self._created_ctxs: unvalidated += c._unvalidated_statements unvalidated += self.context._unvalidated_statements if unvalidated: raise StatementValidationError(unvalidated) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.validate() for c in self._created_ctxs: c.save_context(*args, **kwargs) for c in self._external_contexts: c.save_context(*args, **kwargs) return self.context.save_context(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class UnimportedContextRecord(namedtuple('UnimportedContextRecord', ['context', 'node_index', 'statement'])): def __str__(self): from yarom.rdfUtils import triple_to_n3 trip = self.statement.to_triple() fmt = 'Missing import of context {} for {} of statement "{}"' return fmt.format(self.context.n3(), trip[self.node_index].n3(), triple_to_n3(trip))
[docs]class StatementValidationError(GenericUserError): def __init__(self, statements): msgfmt = '{} invalid statements were found:\n{}' msg = msgfmt.format(len(statements), '\n'.join(str(x) for x in statements)) super(StatementValidationError, self).__init__(msg) self.statements = statements
[docs]class ConfigMissingException(GenericUserError): def __init__(self, key): self.key = key