Source code for PyOpenWorm.cli

from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import json
from tqdm import tqdm
import six
from .cli_command_wrapper import CLICommandWrapper, CLIUserError
from .command import POW, GenericUserError
from .git_repo import GitRepoProvider
from .text_util import format_table
from .command_util import GeneratorWithData

[docs]def additional_args(parser): 'Add some additional options specific to CLI' parser.add_argument('--output-mode', '-o', default='text', help='How to print the results of a command' ' (if any). Either "json" or "text" (the default)') parser.add_argument('--columns', help='Comma-separated list of columns to display in "table" output mode') parser.add_argument('--text-field-separator', default='\t', help='Separator to use between fields in "text" output mode') parser.add_argument('--text-record-separator', default='\n', help='Separator to use between records in "text" output mode')
def die(message, status=1): print(message, file=sys.stderr) raise SystemExit(1) NOT_SET = object() class NSHandler(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.opts = dict(kwargs) def __getitem__(self, k): return self.opts[k] def __getattr__(self, k, default=NOT_SET): if default is NOT_SET: try: return self.opts[k] except KeyError: raise AttributeError() else: return self.opts.get(k, default) def __call__(self, ns): self.opts['output_mode'] = ns.output_mode self.opts['text_field_separator'] = ns.text_field_separator self.opts['text_record_separator'] = ns.text_record_separator self.opts['columns'] = ns.columns def __str__(self): return 'NSHandler' + str(self.opts) class JSONSerializer(object): def __call__(self, o): from rdflib.graph import Graph from PyOpenWorm.context import Context if isinstance(o, Graph): # eventually, we will use something like JSON-LD return [] elif isinstance(o, Context): return {'identifier': o.identifier, 'base_namespace': o.base_namespace} else: return list(o) def _select(a, indexes): return [h for h, i in zip(a, range(len(a))) if i in indexes] def columns_arg_to_list(arg): return [s.strip() for s in arg.split(',')] def main(): import logging logging.basicConfig() p = POW() p.log_level = 'WARN' p.message = print p.progress_reporter = tqdm p.repository_provider = GitRepoProvider() ns_handler = NSHandler() out = None try: out = CLICommandWrapper(p).main(argument_callback=additional_args, argument_namespace_callback=ns_handler) except (CLIUserError, GenericUserError) as e: s = str(e) if not s: from yarom.utils import FCN # In case someone forgets to add a helpful message for their user error s = 'Received error: ' + FCN(type(e)) die(s) output_mode = ns_handler.output_mode text_field_separator = ns_handler.text_field_separator text_record_separator = ns_handler.text_record_separator if out is not None: if output_mode == 'json': json.dump(out, sys.stdout, default=JSONSerializer(), indent=2) elif output_mode == 'table': # `out.header` holds the *names* for each column whereas `out.columns` holds # accessors for each column. `out` must have either: # 1) Just `header` # 2) `header` and `columns` # 3) neither `header` nor `columns` # at least one to be valid. # # If `out` has only `header`, then `header must have one element which is the # header for a single result from `out`. # # If it has `header` and `columns` then the two must be of equal length and # each element of `header` names the result of the corresponding entry in # `columns`. # # If neither `header` nor `columns` is given, then a default header of # `['Value']` is used and the column accessor is the identify function. # # `out.default_columns` determines which columns to show by default. If there # is no `default_columns`, then all defined columns are shown. The columns can # be overriden by the `--columns` command line argument. If there is no # `header`, but `--columns` is provided, the user will get an error. if getattr(out, 'columns', None) and getattr(out, 'header', None): if ns_handler.columns: selected_columns = [i for i, e in zip(range(len(out.header)), out.header) if e in columns_arg_to_list(ns_handler.columns)] if not selected_columns: die('The given list of columns is not valid for this command') elif getattr(out, 'default_columns', None): selected_columns = [i for i, e in zip(range(len(out.header)), out.header) if e in out.default_columns] else: selected_columns = list(range(len(out.header))) elif getattr(out, 'columns', None): raise Exception('Programmer error: A header must be provided if an output' ' has multiple columns') elif getattr(out, 'header', None): if len(out.header) != 1: raise Exception('Programmer error: Only one column in the header can be defined if' ' no columns are defined') if ns_handler.columns \ and columns_arg_to_list(ns_handler.columns) != out.header: die('The given list of columns is not valid for this command') out = GeneratorWithData(out, columns=[lambda x: x], header=out.header) selected_columns = [0] else: if ns_handler.columns: die('The given list of columns is not valid for this command') out = GeneratorWithData(out, columns=[lambda x: x], header=['Value']) selected_columns = [0] header = _select(out.header, selected_columns) columns = _select(out.columns, selected_columns) def mygen(): if columns: for m in out: yield tuple(c(m) for c in columns) else: for m in out: yield (m,) print(format_table(mygen(), header=header)) elif output_mode == 'text': if isinstance(out, dict): for k, v in out.items(): print('{}{}{}'.format(k, text_field_separator, v), end=text_record_separator) elif isinstance(out, six.string_types): print(out) else: try: iterable = (x for x in out) except TypeError: print(out) else: for x in iterable: if hasattr(out, 'text_format'): print(out.text_format(x), end=text_record_separator) else: print(x, end=text_record_separator)